28th March 2010
Ok, so I've not blogged since Friday and I have a lot to tell you.
To start, went to Manchester and I was dead excited seemed to take an age to get there! Just before I got on the train Katie told me that her's was delated so she wouldn't be getting in to Manchester till 18:45 instead of 18:20 as planned.
When I arrived at Manchester Piccadilly I had to wait for Katie to get in only to find that the train had stopped and she was going to be even later.
So, I got some food and some cigarettes and gorged on both :P
Then Katie's train arrived and I met her at the platform - was so ace to finally meet her, she was lovely.
Off to Sainsbury's we went and basically bought them out of all the alcohol they had! haha - we were definitely getting on it at the hotel!
Got to the Britannia and OMG the service is so slow! Finally got into ours rooms and they were beautiful! Definitely worth £63!
Dumped our stuff and went to meet the guys - they were so drunk so I knew it was gonna be an epic night!
I got really wasted and ended up going to my room with one of Jake's friends Damien - and lets just say we didn't really talk...
Then when the guys went out they set off the fire alarm in the hotel - so everyone had to be evacuated!! I had no shoes on and we were so scared we were gonna get the blame that we went for a walk around Manc - ripped all my tights because of it! :(
Finally got back to the hotel after three fire engines were called and got in the room to do some work - only we ended up just carrying on drinking and having a good ole gossip.
Later on the guys came back even more drunk and now apparently high - not really remembering much from Satan's. haha legends.
So we just carried on drinking and partying it up.
Then myself and Ben went round the hotel - left Damien in my bed (although I got the impression he didn't want me to leave!) - Ben lit up round the hotel and was smoking then he got told off so we went outside and then when we came back in the porter said he'd have to chuck him out if he walked around half naked again! haha oh dear.
Then we got back and went in Katie's room and just hung around chatting - by this time it was 06:00am, so Katie and Jake sent me and Ben out to get Maccies breakfast! By the time we got back they were fast asleep.
So finally at about 08:00 me and Ben joined Damien in bed and honestly that sleep was the best!
Finally got up around 11:00 - checkout was at 11!!! :O - and we didn't leave till about 12:00 but they locked me out of my room and all my stuff and some of Ben's and Damien's were in there too so I had to go down and ask them to let me in which they did - but then whilst we were all in my room they blocked Katie's card so Ben couldn't get the rest of his stuff from in there so he had to go down and sort that all out! - by this time it was 12:30ish and I had to be on a train and back in Liverpool before 13:30 -wasn't gonna happen!
Finally got on the train at 13:07 and told mum it had been delayed, oops.
Then, arrived in Liverpool at 14:00 and went a finished packing then headed home :)
Rest of Saturday was pretty standard, saw Amelia for a bit told her about the night before. Saw the grandparents and just chillaxed.
Went to the pub tonight to catch up with everyone. Was good. Nice to be home and it's funny how you slip right back into your old life when you're here. Miss Liverpool though.
Till next time,
29th March 2010
Today, I've been mainly feeling like shit. Seriously, haven't got rid of this sick feeling all day.
Was supposed to be going to Cardiff with Katie tomorrow - she said she's got some personal stuff to deal with - mainly about her and her ex-bf's flat- but that isn't happening now so a bit gutted.
BUT, today the Reading/Leeds line-up was announced! BLINK 182!!!!! Dead excited. Got my Reading day ticket for Sunday to go with the brother and his gf - gonna be sick!
My bank account has took a proper beating the last few days - Dan and Becky better pay me back!
On another note - been back from Uni and Manchester two days now and I've still not unpacked! FML! Reaaaaaaally cannot be arsed!
Till next time,
30th March 2010
Still feel really ill - starting to worry about it now, hopefully it'll just go away because I can't be dealing with this shit. Thing is the more I worry the sicker I feel but I can't help but worry...it's an never-ending cycle.
Anyway, today I found out that another night of madness in Manchester is on the cards. 16th April baby - Radisson! Get in! Gonna be messy.
Right, off for a drive with Amelia :)
Till next time,
30th March 2010
Drive with Amelia was good - went everywhere and had a good old chat about recent events :)
Apparently, I'm going to Leeds tomorrow! Last minute, I know but that's how my life seems to be at the moment so I'm just going with it.
Katie's prepping for a meeting on Thursday and wants me to come help out and keep her company. Gonna be amazing.
Right, need sleep - gotta be up at the crack o'dawn!
Till next time,
31st March 2010
In the Radisson in Leeds. Sick.
Till next time,
31st March 2010
Just got back from Leeds. Today was pretty sweet. Hung out with Katie - couldn't get much done about planning the tour as the info we needed wasn't available :( still nice to hang out and chat until Jake arrived.
Katie told me more stories about her and the ex - all sounds like a whirlwind romance, I tells you. I have a feeling they'll work it out though..
Also, today I've realised once again what a shithole Wolverhampton is. Full of drunks and junkies as well - and they're not even the nice friendly ones! Never felt quite so scared sitting in that bus stop - glad to be home after that.
Haven't felt as sick today - good sign? I hope so. Still waiting though..
Till next time,
1st April 2010
Today I found out why I've been feeling so ill - I'm pregnant.
I'm not pregnant.
But, today I did manage to break my iPod by dropping it in the fucking toilet! FMFL!
I might actually die without it - no exaggeration.
Also, have an insanely bad throat today - tonsilitus? Probably.
Off for a curry in a bit with the pa, bro and nana - should be good.
Till next time,
2nd April 2010
Going to York with the Fam today - should be a top day.
Shopping <3
Till next time,
3rd April 2010
Finally I have internet at home!! Waheyyy! Expect more frequent blogging now.
York was wonderful yesterday - such a beautiful city.
Lovely to spend time with the family too and had such a wonderful meal at Betty's Tea Rooms :)
Clinic today.
Cinema later to see Remember Me - shall report back tomorrow.
Till next time,
P.S I dodged the bullet.
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